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Hand2Hand Ministries is a resource for children at Roosevelt School facing hunger over the weekend.
Healthy food is provided for these children so they have a greater opportunity to succeed academically, emotionally, and physically.


See this list of needed items.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.  "I want to thank everyone who has been giving all along.  Without you, this program would not work!!  Thank you - Kim D".

Health Team Ministries

The Health Team Ministry at Ottawa Reformed Church is an avenue to address spiritual, emotional, and physical health issues.  This Ministry is supported by Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital and relies on volunteer support from members. 

Some of the things that the Health Team Ministry does:

  • Provides general health-related information for the congregation and surrounding community.

  • Supports our "Medical Assistance Team" while enhancing their services to ORC.  The Medical Assistance Team provides medical assistance during church functions and services.

  • Brings various health information and displays to events held at Ottawa.

  • Conducts blood pressure screenings at various ministry events.

We are always looking for people interested in coordinating health programs to serve on our team committee.  Our Health Team & Medical Assistance Team is led by Elisabeth Vander Zwaag.

Stethoscope on the Cardiogram
Kids Hope
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Kids Hope USA is a partnership that builds bridges between churches and their local elementary schools.  At Ottawa Reformed, we partner with children, parents, and teachers from Roosevelt Elementary School in Zeeland.  Our goal is to help children at the time in their lives when values are formed, self-esteem is developed, and basic academic skills are acquired.  These are very critical years, and we want to help by pairing up children with a positive adult mentor from Ottawa Reformed Church. 


Learn more about becoming a mentor or prayer partner for Ottawa’s KHUSA ministry or contact Lori Geerts.


"Check out" our collection of
fiction, non-fiction, teen, t'ween and children's books.  Our non-fiction section is filled with devotionals, spiritual & family books.


We've recently expanded our teen & t'ween fiction sections with many new exciting series.  We are constantly adding to our existing series and adding new authors.


We have over 100 family friendly DVD's & VHS tapes and over 150 children's DVD's & VHS tapes.


Check out our PUZZLE LIBRARY also!

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Men's Basketball

Men's Basketball meets in the winter months and begins on December 5, 2024.


Join us Thursday nights at 6:30 PM in the GRACE Center gym.

Contact Kevin Bekius with any questions.

ORC Outdoors

The ORC Outdoors group is an outreach to bring men, women and children who enjoy being out in God's creation together for various events.  Whether it's hunting, fishing, or just taking a hike in the woods, we love to participate in activities that allow us to enjoy God's great creation! 

Some events hosted by ORC Outdoors include: archery league, wild game dinners, auctions, Bibles & bows, clay pigeon shoots, fishing tournaments, and sledding at Pigeon Creek Park. 
For more information email "".  

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Tool Time Ministries

What is Tool Time Ministry?
The Bible makes it clear that there are a wide variety of “gifts” given to believers by the Holy Spirit, I Corinthians 12 and Romans 12.  One of these gifts is the gift of “service” Romans 12:7. 
“Service” has a wide meaning, but it means “doing for others what they cannot do for themselves.”
There will always be people who need help because their physical and/or financial circumstances do not allow them to do the tasks for themselves. 
Our members and neighbors look to the church for our help.  That's where Tool Time Ministries comes in. 

Wit & Wisdom

The Wit & Wisdom group is open to anyone who is "retired" (62 or over) and would like a place to plug in and get to know some of the other Seniors at Ottawa. 

We have a diverse group of people attending our events; couples, singles, widowed, or some have a spouse that doesn't care to attend.  We're sure you'll feel comfortable no matter what situation you're in. 

We offer an assortment of events that we enjoy.  Some are outings and some are held right at Ottawa Reformed Church.

If you can only come to a specific event or two, or all of them, we'd love to get to know you better as we enjoy fun and fellowship together. 

Watch our church bulletin, calendar, and/or the west bulletin board in the church's lobby for details on upcoming events!


WOW Knitting (Winning Ottawa Women)

This knitting group simply meets to knit "together" both their knitting projects and their relationships.  They often make prayer shawls, or other items for those in need. 


WOW Knitting offers knitting and crocheting and generally meets the 1st and 3rd Monday ​of each month​ in the church library​ at 7:00 PM​. 


Please watch the calendar for specific dates.  Women of any age and experience level are welcome!  Contact Sandy DeGlopper for more information.

Kids Hope
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