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- Jim | ORC
Jim grew up in Lapeer, Michigan and his wife, Linda, grew up in Beaverdam. They met at SpringHill Camps in Evart while Jim was at Hope College and Linda was at Calvin College. Jim and Linda married in 1987 and immediately moved to New Jersey to pursue master’s degrees; Jim at Princeton Theological Seminary and Linda at Rutgers University. In 1990, they moved to Scotland so that Jim could complete his PhD in Theology at the University of St. Andrews. Jim has served as the lead pastor of First Reformed Church of Rocky Hill in New Jersey, Lakeland Reformed Church in Vicksburg, Michigan, and New Hope Community Church in Gilbert, Arizona. He has served as an executive pastor for Centerpoint Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan and for the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. He was installed at Ottawa Reformed Church on July 28, 2019. He also currently serves as the chairman of the board of trustees for Western Theological Seminary, and he is an adjunct professor for Fuller Theological Seminary. Jim and Linda have four children, Adam, who is married to Julia; Elisabeth, who is married to Ian; Zachary; and Joshua. Jim loves running, biking, hiking, and kayaking. He is excited to be at Ottawa Reformed to share the good news of the Gospel through preaching and teaching and to equip the church for the work of ministry.
- Facility Rentals | ORC
Facility rental information Facility Rental Sports Team Rental Wedding Rental
- Library & Facebook | Ottawa Reformed Church | West Olive
tHE lIBRARY AT orc "Check out" our collection of fiction, non-fiction, teen, t'ween and children's books. Our non-fiction section is filled with devotionals, spiritual & family books. We've recently expanded our teen & t'ween fiction sections with many new exciting series. We are constantly adding to our existing series and adding new authors. We have over 100 family friendly DVD's & VHS tapes and over 150 children's DVD's & VHS tapes. "Check out" our puzzle library too! Ottawa Reformed Church has a library that offers many books, books on tape, videos, tapes and CD's, available for all ages. The Library is staffed following each worship service. Stay connected with Ottawa family and friends through Facebook. vISIT US ON FACEBOOK
- Lori | ORC
Lori was born in Western Michigan and has made that her home. She is a single mom of 4 adult children and has 4 grandchildren. She has been the Kids Hope USA director at Ottawa Reformed Church and Roosevelt Elementary School in Zeeland for over 21 years. Her life experiences have shaped her heart for people, and God is using this through KHU. Her primary responsibilities are to share the passion and vision of Kids Hope USA with Ottawa's members, recruiting, training and encouraging them as they meet and mentor with at-risk children at Roosevelt School and connecting with the KHU children and their families, reaching out to them through the love of Christ and His church. She enjoys her family, reading, traveling and meeting new people.
- Dan | ORC
Dan began his position at Ottawa in June 2019. He and his wife Rachel have three children — Aubrey, Tyler, and Lauren. Outside of work, Dan enjoys woodworking, painting and finishing cabinets and furniture, spending time with his wife and kids, golfing, camping, and working in the garden. Dan enjoys working at ORC to be able to keep God’s house clean so that we may worship together in the best environment possible. “I am pleased with the amazing facility we have, and I am proud to represent ORC. Always on my mind is Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
- Our Team | Ottawa Reformed Church | West Olive
Our Team Dr. Jim Poit Pastor of Preaching, Teaching & Outreach (616) 512-9251 ext. 101 Rev. Michael Van Buren Pastor of Administration & Congregational Care (616) 512-9251 ext. 102 Our Team Kristin Bredeweg Worship Coordinator (616) 512-9251 ext. 103 Michelle Bekius Children's Education Director (616) 512-9251 ext. 104 Dan Hughes Facility Custodian (616) 512-9251 ext. 106 Danielle Thomas Junior High Youth Director (616) 512-9251 ext. 115 Barb Prince Administrative Assistant or (616) 512-9251 ext. 108 Lori Geerts Kids Hope USA Director (616) 512-9251 ext. 105 Emily DeGlopper Senior High Youth Director (616) 512-9251 ext. 116 Lexi Kleinjans CREW Coordinator (616) 209-2126 Kristi Geertman Lead Administrative Assistant or (616) 512-9251 ext. 108 Lesa Nienhuis Sunday School Coordinator (616) 808-6601 OTTAWA REFORMED CHURCH 2024/2025 CONSISTORY ELDERS DEACONS Mark Boersema Terry Geertman Craig Bekius Brent Nyenhuis Tim Emmert Tom Hill Ken Prince Jon Nienhuis Zach Wabeke Ryan Bekius Jake Visser Andrew Geertman Andrew Prince Roger Whitman EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Pastor of Preaching, Teaching & Outreach Dr. Jim Poit 512.9251 ext.101 President Pastor Michael Van Buren 512.9251 ext.102 Vice President Terry Geertman Clerk Craig Bekius Treasurer Jake Visser Chairman of Deacons Roger Whitman Member at Large Glenn Emmert Financial Administrator Kevin Bekius 2024/2025 COUNCIL CHAIRPERSONS Business Administration Pastor Michael Van Buren 512.9251 ext.102 Congregational Care Pastor Michael Van Buren 512.9251 ext.102 Outreach Dr. Jim Poit 512.9521 ext.101 Spiritual Formation Dr. Jim Poit 512.9521 ext.101 Worship Dr. Jim Poit 512.9251 ext.101 CHURCH DIRECTORY Administrative Assistants Kristi Geertman, Barb Prince 512.9251 ext.108 Children’s Education Director Michelle Bekius 512.9251 ext.104 Worship Coordinator Kristin Bredeweg 512.9251 ext.103 Kids Hope Director Lori Geerts 512.9251 ext.105 Jr. High Youth Director Danielle Thomas S r. High Youth Dir ector Emily DeGlopper Facility Administrator Tim Emmert Facility Custodian Dan Hughes 512.9251 ext.106 Sunday School Coordinator Lesa Nienhuis Cadets Ed Schrotenboer GEMS Girls’ Club Denise Miedema Children & Worship Michelle Bekius Nursery Coordinators Rachel Hughes & Kathleen Wabeke CREW Coordinator Lexi Kleinjans Coffee & Juice Coordinator Marie Grassmid Flowers & Decorations Coordinator Elaine Briar Greeter Coordinator Barb Vander Zwaag Hand2Hand Ministry Kim Dunn Librarian Sandy DeGlopper Meal Ministry Coordinator Barb Prince Medical Assistance Ministry Elisabeth VanderZwaag ORC Outdoors Roger Whitman ORC Players Jeff Coffey Safety Team Coordinator Ed Schrotenboer Small Groups Coordinator Nancy Haveman Social Committee Tim & Amy Emmert Sound & Screen Coordinator Kristin Bredeweg 512.9251 ext.103 Wit & Wisdom Richard Dawki ns & Nancy Haveman WOW Knitting Sandy De Glopper YAP Michelle Bekius & Kim Geertman Christian Education Assistance Fund Board Members Jeremy Bekius, Brent Miedema, Ken Prince, Angela Soulliere & Zach Wabeke
- What We Believe | Ottawa Reformed Church | West Olive
Our Mission Loving and leading people to live for Jesus Our Vision A Community of love for the community we love Our Core Values Solidly Biblical, Deeply Spiritual, Passionate about Mission, Caring for All People Our Statement of Faith view statement
- Emily | ORC
My name is Emily DeGlopper, I was born and raised at Ottawa Reformed. I have been involved with our Jr. high youth group for the last seven years and continue to be a part of that program as well as leading our Senior High program. I love being able to build relationships with the kids while also digging deeper into what it means to be a Christian and live like Christ alongside them in this world. In my free time I love to spend time with my boyfriend and our dog exploring and making memories. I love to be outside, whether that’s camping, kayaking, hunting, fishing, or sitting around a fire, I enjoy being in God’s creation with friends and family. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. This verse has been a constant reminder for me that no matter where I go or what happens in life, God is right there beside me and leading me through.
- Kristin | ORC
My name is Kristin Bredeweg. I have been married to Rick for almost 29 years and we call Jenison our home. We have two children, Noah who is 24 and a home owner, and Sophia, who is 21 and will become Alec Headley's wife on April 29, 2022. We have three dogs (I know, I'm crazy!), Woodson (Golden Retriever) and Kevin (Golden Doodle), who I adore and help keeps my sanity intact and then there's Jax (Golden Doodle puppy) that reverses my sanity! I best describe myself this way ... I'm a bus driving, haircutting, piano playing wife and mom who simply put loves Jesus, getting my worship on and encouraging others to do the same! I love "junking" (Goodwill, thrift stores and garage sales), being out in our boat on any part of Lake Michigan, CLOTHES and SHOES, and a good book. I truly believe that as Worship Coordinator it is my roll to prepare the hearts and minds of God's people to be open and excited to hear the word of God spoken to them! Hearing the voices of "all in" Jesus loving people is something I actually get giddy about and can't wait to come to church to hear and I am humbled and blessed to do that very thing with the people here at Ottawa Reformed Church!
- The Alliance of Reformed Churches | ORC
The Alliances' website The Alliances' Facebook page